I was talking to an online friend recently about memes circa the second Bush term, and one that came up was the Dick Cheney hunting incident. Also Chuck Norris "facts", but those might have been old hat already in 2008.
You know, I remember the "report on space" article as an Onion joke I never understood. Now that mystery is solved!
If only you were one of a set of nonuplets, you could go beyond good and evil and fill out an entire D&D alignment chart.
I was talking to an online friend recently about memes circa the second Bush term, and one that came up was the Dick Cheney hunting incident. Also Chuck Norris "facts", but those might have been old hat already in 2008.
You know, I remember the "report on space" article as an Onion joke I never understood. Now that mystery is solved!
If only you were one of a set of nonuplets, you could go beyond good and evil and fill out an entire D&D alignment chart.
The guy Cheney shot died not that long ago! But yeah, definitely a lot of birdshot jokes and the like from back then. Chuck Norris is another good one -- not just the memes but also the Conan O'Brien series of jokes (https://ultimateactionmovies.com/the-history-of-conans-walker-texas-ranger-lever/).
Lol, also thank you for the D&D reference. I know nothing of it, but I did watch the bloopers from the recent Chris Pine movie.
Also Cheney's victim was a lawyer, so there were some "keep up the good work" type of jokes.
I miss Smoove.
Me, too. They just published a Jean Teasdale column a few months ago, so anything is possible.
Really? I thought all they did anymore were those silly slideshows. I'll keep on the lookout.
It was definitely a surprise!
Oh man! “Isn’t a mutually shared “eh” a deeper bond of intimacy in itself?” Pure Jean!
Hey, James, have you seen this? https://www.amazon.com/Onion-Presents-Best-Herbert-Kornfeld-ebook/dp/B004DI7IH8