Feb 18Liked by James daSilva

The Osama article mirrors a song from 1947 that makes a similar point about Hitler living on if we hurt our fellow man.


The singer, Rosalie Allen, died in late 2003, so maybe someone at the Onion caught a reference to it in early 2004? Or maybe it's just a coincidence. It's a great story though - poking fun at the Bush administration's inability to catch Osama while avoiding cheap shots. I'd guess today's onion would do something like "Neocons Explain Why They Haven't Found Osama Bin Laden".

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Feb 19Liked by James daSilva

A great Brocc-umentary on that human cloning controversy can be found here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ett_8wLJ87U&pp=ygUNSHVtYW4gY2xvbmluZw%3D%3D

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