The Onion took a summer break in 2001, and so shall we
Oh, to enjoy a print schedule without the constant demands for C O N T E N T! See you in a few weeks!
I forgot to mention in last week’s issue that The Onion in 2001 took its then-traditional early summer break, not publishing again until July 18, 2001.
We’ll probably do the same. If something sparks my imagination, I might send y’all a post on July 11, but for now, I am actually on vacation myself — so much so that I won’t even bring a laptop with me for the next 7 days or so.
What will I be doing? Relaxing, I hope. But it’s possible my vacation will be like an article you’ll see on July 18: “Plan To Straighten Out Entire Life During Weeklong Vacation Yields Mixed Results.”
Thanks, as always, for being here, and enjoy the archives while I’m away.
— James