The Onion took a summer break, and so are we
You can't review The Onion from 20 years ago if there wasn't one. Both of us will be back July 19.
Where’s the regular issue and the other 1,800 words you usually write?
Last week, we looked at Vol. 36, No. 23, from June 21, 2000. So where’s issue No. 24? Well, it didn’t publish until July 19, 2000.
We’ll also be taking a few weeks off. Thanks for hanging out with me this long, and I’m excited to come back and relive the year 2000 with you next month.
I haven’t been promoting the newsletter as much in the past month because of everything in the news. So, maybe you’ve missed a few issues. Here’s what we’ve been up to lately:
June 21: “Office politics at Applebee's and more from The Onion 20 years ago today”
June 7: “The Onion asked ‘Who can possibly save us now?’ 20 years ago today”
May 31: “The Onion 20 years ago wrote about Big Raccoon's demands”
In the meantime, please share with friends and enemies. I know there are many Onion fans out there who would also enjoy this email.